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    Select  the FILE AREAS submenu.  This  is  where  you define
    your file areas.

    Usually your file areas will be grouped by area of interest.
    For  example, file area 1  might be "DOS  utilities", area 2
    "Pascal programming files", area 3 "Graphics picture files",
    and so on.

    Most  of the entries here are  fairly  straightforward.  The
    FILE AREA NAME is the name of the file area as the user will
    see  it.  The FILE PATH is a fully qualified directory  path
    that points to where the files in this area are stored,  for
    example   C:\FILES\IBM\GAMES\.   Note   that  the   trailing
    backslash is optional.

    The list  of files that your users see for a particular area
    is  generated from a textfile that you can edit yourself. By
    default, this file is called FILES.BBS and is located in the
    same directory as  the files  it describes. When  a file  is
    uploaded  to  a  file   area,  RemoteAccess  creates  a  new
    FILES.BBS  if it doesn't  already exist, and  then appends a
    single line entry for  the file. The format of  FILES.BBS is

       <FILENAME.EXT> <Description>

    Filenames that  contain wildcard / pattern  match characters
    are expanded  to full  filename specs.  A separate entry  is
    displayed for each matching file found.

    The <Description> field  may be up  to 255 characters  long.
    When displayed to the  user the description is automatically
    word wrapped to the width of the user's screen.

    If  you have  some  kind of  read-only  mass storage  device
    online such as a  CD-ROM, then it usually isn't  possible to
    have  a FILES.BBS in each file directory. To get around this
    problem simply  create a separate  directory to hold  all of
    the FILES.BBS  files. The  individual files should  be names
    FILES.n, where n is the file area number. For example -


    Is the  file that  would be read  in place of  FILES.BBS for
    area number 33. In this example,  the FILE LIST path (in the
    PATHS section of RACONFIG) has been set to C:\RA\CDROMLST.

    Access  to  each  file area is  controlled  by  raising  the
    SECURITY LEVEL and FLAGS to the minimum combination required
    for  a user to "see" the area.  For example,  if a user uses
    the  "Search  for new files" function,  only file  areas  to
    which he/she has the required security/flags setting will be
    checked.  The   EXTERNAL  SUPPORT  FILES   section  contains
    information  on  marking  files  as  free  and/or   password
    protected under the subheading FILES.CTL.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson